27 Nov 2017

Custom bazooka for 1/100 Graze

That's the first time I really customize weapon. Can't say I'm competely satisfied with it (most of the ideas were abandoned because of my low skill or materials I don't have) but more or less it's fine. At least after priming which shows everyting in grayscale.
Still need to correct some imperfections but it's kinda usual thing...
Not sure if I do something more here. So I keep it like this and go to other stuff...

11 Nov 2017

Hello there! These are the pics form my "real" color tests of new Vallejo paints I've got lately.. Some selection form the range I've found interesting for me. Cause I know it's a bit difficult to figure out the real color just from color chart or looking at the bottle. I like the paints btw. It applies nicely smooth (for water-based acrylics) and makes nice satin texture (the pressure was about 15-20 psi). What's about the metallics - I think they are not so good as lacquers (like Gaia or Modo) but brings fine satin finish if you apply them as mist-coats. And they are quite durable I would say (comparing with other water-based products like older Vallejo/AmmoMig/AK).

26 Oct 2017

RG Gundam Mk-2. Weathering with Tamiya pastels.

Hello there!
Many of us know what is Tamiya Weathering Master. For those who doesn't - it's actually a pastel. Special sets of colors of very good quality pastel exactly for modelling use. And we know that it has many different ways to use, but I'd like to speak about one of them.
When I planned to weather my RG Gundam Mk-2 (RX-178) I wanted to make some comic-style weathering effect, maybe not very realistic, but dramatic. So I decided to make some contrast scheme of weathering by combining two different techniques.
First one - sponge technique with black acrylic paint (for dark parts I used light gray). Because of the scale (1/144) I found it the only reasonable for such small details. There is no secret doing this technique - just light touches of almost dried sponge (you have to take the paint off using kitchen tissue).
Then I wanted to make an accent on the edges of armor parts, I tried to make it visible but kinda subtle as well. So I decided to use Tamiya weathering pastels.

The idea was the same - just light touches of applicator to the edges to make this effect. No hurry, no pressure at all. 

Combined with sponge technique, this one gave me a good result. 
It was the first time I used Tamiya pastels in such way. And I've found this method very easy to use, very controllable. And it gives a nice picture. 
Only one more thing I've noticed about this way - after applying the pastel you have to apply a topcoat. Strongly recommended! Or you have a risk to wash the effect away during the time (by touches etc). As topcoat I used lacquer clear matte paint and pastel handled it very easily.
So there is the result...

That's it for now and good luck with your models!

22 Oct 2017

Coming soon!

This would be about...

Or this...

Or that...

At least about those guys (and many others I hope)

Well, this is our gunpla blog.
Will see how it goes...