27 Nov 2017

Custom bazooka for 1/100 Graze

That's the first time I really customize weapon. Can't say I'm competely satisfied with it (most of the ideas were abandoned because of my low skill or materials I don't have) but more or less it's fine. At least after priming which shows everyting in grayscale.
Still need to correct some imperfections but it's kinda usual thing...
Not sure if I do something more here. So I keep it like this and go to other stuff...

11 Nov 2017

Hello there! These are the pics form my "real" color tests of new Vallejo paints I've got lately.. Some selection form the range I've found interesting for me. Cause I know it's a bit difficult to figure out the real color just from color chart or looking at the bottle. I like the paints btw. It applies nicely smooth (for water-based acrylics) and makes nice satin texture (the pressure was about 15-20 psi). What's about the metallics - I think they are not so good as lacquers (like Gaia or Modo) but brings fine satin finish if you apply them as mist-coats. And they are quite durable I would say (comparing with other water-based products like older Vallejo/AmmoMig/AK).